Saturday, 07 June 2008

Zimbabwe Bleeds

Business and politics don't mix well, but there are times when anyone with a conscience has to speak up. I'm personally deeply, deeply ashamed of the way our dear President has conducted himself on Zimbabwe, including hiding a report from two respected judges who said that the previous election was not free and fair. In the aftermath of delayed and probably rigged results, hundreds of people are being most brutally tortured and either killed or left to die of their injuries. Thousands are being driven out of their homes and businesses by a military determined to keep power at all costs. Meanwhile President Mbeki, leader of a country that has democracy as its cornerstone, is seen in public holding hands with ex-President Mugabe and proclaiming that "there is no crisis in Zimbabwe". If you agree that SADC must send in peacekeepers now, please take a few seconds to e-mail President Thabo Mbeki telling him so, and perhaps for once he will listen.


Anthony.Lukindo said...


I was following your trail regarding a concrete test software package that you call Labbie.Looks like your website on software Africa is not running.

Regards Anthony L

Rick Raubenheimer said...

Anthony, please e-mail me at so that I can respond to you directly with whatever information you would like on Labbie. The Labbie page is up and running at
I will take up the interruption of service with our ISP.